About Us

We are just a couple of fun lovin, Jeep ridin, dirt bikin, outdoor adventurin kinda guys. Give us all the adrenaline rushes, anything out in the open air, and everything that gives us experiences that we will be talking about for years. 

With our passion for the outdoors and making long-lasting memories, we wanted to bring more opportunities to all seeking time in the outdoors and with those they love. 

      Time, space, and money for outdoor adventure toys and equipment can often hinder us all from purchasing our own or to have more than one outdoor hobby.

This got us thinking of ways for adventure enthusiasts to try a sampling of all types of outdoor recreation vehicles without the stress of payments, storage, and lack of variety.

Now that is where Open Air Recreation comes in! To make all of your recreational dreams become reality!

We bring you many types of equipment to rent at your leisure. Plus, we take care of the headache of it all so you won’t have to! You just get to enjoy and make those memories with your friends and family. 

       That is the big bang of Open Air Recreation.

Now it is time for you to rent something of ours, discover a new hobby, and get out there and explore the beautiful open air. 

-Kelly and Riley